Catch up with Jerome – Grand Archive Malaysia Regional Top 16 Player

From One Piece, to Shadowverse, to now Grand Archive

Vinces L

In the recent Grand Archive Regional at Selangor, seven players from Sabah made their mark, competing fiercely against top talent from across the region. Among them were Jerome, Shone, Suai, Zidane, Rex, Yit, and Jacob. Each brought their unique strategies and passion for the game, contributing to a strong showing from Sabah's competitive scene.

Join us as we catch up with Jerome, one of the top 16 players in the Grand Archive Malaysia Regional.

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(Red= Suai, second row left to right = Shone, Yit, Rex, First Row left to right = Zidane, Jerome, Jacob)

Chapter 1 Background and Journey

(To Jerome) Can you tell us a bit about your journey into the Grand Archive scene? How did you get started with the game? As I recall, you went from One Piece TCG to Shadowverse and now finally settling with Grand Archive. 

Jerome:  My journey into GA (Grand Archive) is actually simple. I am basically a weeb and anime is my go-to watch list. Yes, I was into One Piece (OP) and Shadowverse before GA, but GA pull(ed) my heart string for the beauty of its artwork and its gameplay. There is in depth mechanics that goes beyond just attacking and defending, I can see the developer’s passion goes into making GA. Therefore, Jerome settles in for GA for good. GA is complex yet simple to understand which I find what captivate TCG lovers like myself. PLUS, I fell in love with the art work produced by the developers.

Chapter 2 Tournament Experience

(To Jerome) Can you walk us through your deck choice for the Selangor Regional? What made you choose this particular deck, and how did it perform?

Jerome:  It is funny actually how I came to choose Silvie Slime Deck. Initially my Silvie is my fun deck. Never have I thought it would be my first choice for Regionals. Just a month before regionals I had 2-3 decks in mind such as Wind Agro List however, I am most comfortable playing Silvie among all deck types.  I like how the deck builds its momentum until the combo kill. It felt like the right meta call for Regionals. I got 4 wins 0 losses and 2 draws (4-0-2) during the matches and lost at Top 16 top cut match.

(To Jerome) If someone were to ask you about your matches in the tournament, which one would you share?

Jerome:  Ah, this I would give the spotlight to my match with Arvind, it was my 3rd match out of 6 in total. Arvind is half blind but one hell of a player. So, in the match I was basically talking to him all throughout the match what my cards were and what each card does and he responded well by countering each of my attacking phase and so on. He was a really good player that even with disabilities, it does not stop him from playing GA and I admire him for his passion... So, Arvind wherever you are, keep it up, and I will see you in the next Regionals or Nationals.

Jerome:  Oh, most definitely. It actually adds more pressure towards your gameplay and it felt like others may judge your lines. Even I, myself rewatch the stream to see and judge what mistakes I made so that I could improve my gameplay for the next event. But thankfully my opponent whom I have known made me feel comfortable during the stream match, and just have fun.

Chapter 3 Community and Growth

(To Jerome) How has the Grand Archive community supported you in your journey? Can you tell us about your interactions with other players and fans?

Jerome:  GA community is tight and super supportive! We often gather and discuss playstyle and strategies so we can help better ourselves. We also have regular practice session, sometimes physically and other times through TableTop Simulator (TTS), just to learn each other match up. Not just here but for other players in KL as well. My Brothers in arms definitely helped me a lot whenever I don’t have certain cards here and there, they happily lent it to me. I can honestly say the community in GA is just amazing and I am grateful to be in the community especially the community in Sabah. Big thanks to my brother in arm- Shone (Big Lyau), Suai, Jacob, Rex, Thien, Zidane, Yit.

(To Jerome) You were one of the pioneers of Grand Archive in Kota Kinabalu, how do you feel about the growth of the game?

Jerome:  The growth of the game is exceptional. The developers are actually listening to players, and not just the Pro players that goes to compete but the actual community. The growth of the game in Sabah? It is actually getting more competitive. After going to regionals and nationals, I can confidently say that GA players in Sabah, is definitely strong.

Chapter 4 Skills and Balance

(To Jerome) What do you think are the most important qualities or skills for a successful Grand Archive player?

Jerome:  For me personally, is constant curiosity and consistency. Always curious to explore many parts of GA, and practice consistency to know well enough on how to navigate yourself through the mechanics of GA. So, for me just keep on playing and you will get better. Ask questions if you dont understand. Find what works for you. Create your own spicy techniques and just make it your own.

The players in Sabah are improving day by day, with increasing participation in each grand event. It's only a matter of time before we see a world representative from Sabah.

We thank Jerome for sharing his time and allowing us to interview him. We look forward to seeing his continued success in the Grand Archive scene!

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