The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - (EU)(Eng/Chn)(Switch) (Pre-Order)

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - (EU)(Eng/Chn)(Switch) (Pre-Order)

RM 50.00 RM 50.00 50.0 MYR

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* Free shipping delivery to East Malaysia
* Usually ships within 1-3 business days

You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will make a choice, and you will have your choices taken from you. The game will end, the game will never end. 

Official Release Date: 19th July 2024. Product arrival in store within 1-3 working days after official release date.

The RM50 stated in the price refers to deposit. Final price is to be confirmed. Upon game pre-order cancellation more than 1 weeks before game release, deposit will be refunded in 7 working days. Deposit is non-refundable if pre-order cancellation is less than 1 week before game release. Pre-ordered games cannot be changed less than 1 week before the game release. Upon game arrival, our customer service personnel will contact you for the remaining balance of the price. Make sure to include valid contact no & email address during checkout process. Customer who pre-ordered their game will have 30 days period to collect their game after it is made available to purchase in store. After 30 days, game pre-ordered is considered cancelled & deposit for

What's New?

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is an expanded re-imagining of the critically acclaimed, award winning indie game The Stanley Parable from 2013.

Everything that was in the original Stanley Parable is here, preserved just like it was back in 2013. But The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe also dramatically expands the world of the original game with new content, new choices, and new secrets to uncover. The labyrinth has just gotten bigger