One Piece Trading Card Game English is Finally Coming to Asia

One Piece Trading Card Game English Finally Coming to Asia

Vinces L

Exciting Update for One Piece TCG Fans: English Cards Coming to Our Region!

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

English Card

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Japanese Card

We’ve just received some fantastic news! While it hasn’t been officially announced yet, insider confirmation reveals that English One Piece TCG cards will soon be available for use in our region once they are officially released in October and November

The first wave of English cards will include Starters from ST 15 to ST 20, providing new players with fresh  and powerful options.

Odoo CMS - a big picture

One intriguing aspect of this release is the potential clash between the current meta in the West and the meta here for Japanese based players. The One Piece TCG scene has developed differently across regions, with distinct strategies, deck types, and dominant cards emerging in each. As English cards enter our market, it will be interesting to see how these different metas interact.

As of time of writing, Western region prefer aggressive playstyle proven by the amount of Yamato and Moria players in the top bracket. Eastern region prioritizes control decks over anything with the amount of R/P Law, Lucci in the meta causing a need for bans. However, Western region has slowly followed the Eastern region shown in the One Piece top decks databased. 

No English Tournament!

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

English Prize Card

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Japanese Prize Card

It’s important to note that despite the availability of English cards, there will be no English One Piece TCG tournaments held locally. English players will join Japanese events and compete for Japanese cards. This means that while English cards will be usable, the competitive scene will remain combined with the Japanese tournaments for now.

While the introduction of English cards may not bring innovative strategies, it’s exciting to see new players entering the game and contributing to the community.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to set sail with your English One Piece TCG cards!

Get your Japanese One Piece TCG Starter Deck today!